Redemptive Living for Women

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#54: Empower Series - Fearing “Attractive” Women

This week on RL Radio - we start our Empower Miniseries - starting with a question we have received multiple times - how can we get over the legitimate fear of seeing and interacting with “attractive” women in public.

Because betrayal is an assault on our mind, heart, body and soul - most women feel exposed and discarded and less than. This makes it incredibly scary to go back into public and face other women. As we prepped for this podcast episode, I appreciate what Jason said - “this is going to hurt no matter what”. And it’s true - this pain we face when going back out in public is awful. But there is hope and we have help. I give three suggestions:

  1. Doing the internal work of being okay with you, just as you are. You are unique and you matter, every part of you.

  2. In the Moment Strategies / Breaking Point Strategies: seeing women as flawed and human, having boundaries with him early on (i.e., not being in public with him) + having boundaries in the moment if you feel you need extra protection - you get to choose!

  3. Maintenance Strategies: calming our nervous systems, slowing down, reconnecting with our bodies, inviting God into our morning to help us get through our day.

Just a friendly reminder: you are not the cause and you are not the fix. I don’t mention this until the beginning of the next episode - but want to say this here: ladies - there is SO much hope! It doesn’t have to be this way forever. As you heal, going out in public WILL get better.

We are so glad YOU are here, thanks for joining us!  

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#54: Empower Series - Fearing “Attractive” Women Redemptive Living Radio